Nursing and Teen Pregnancy: Corroborating Implication and Insinuation Essay

It has been verified by all the researchers that as time passes various health related problems and issues are born in the society. Teenage pregnancy is amongst the most frequently occurring issue in our society. As education is an important part of the society, the new trends and modifications in its scheme of representation cannot be disregarded and thus need to be provided for awareness of the young generation. Therefore, studied below are the important trends in the issue of teen pregnancy with its nursing implications for it. Also when it comes to the control and establishment of any aspect of health in a society, we cannot help ourselves but refer to the support of family and friends along with medical sustainability. Hence, after a qualitative research, discussed below are the important measures that need to be taken in order to control and affect this issue by the nurses.

Nursing and Teen Pregnancy: Corroborating Implication and Insinuation


Bastable (2008) believes that the role played by the nurses is that of a ‘caregiver’. Thus, during the process of coming to a decision regarding the status of young and old patients, it is necessary for nurses to not commence through logical verifications or commonsensical conjectures, where they take risks by being unaware of what the results or consequences might be. A large number of problems are originating in the public health sector if the current state of affairs is reviewed. Teen pregnancy is amongst these frequently originating colossal problems. The targets of this problem are the females under the age of twenty and the involvement comprises of both young and adult males. Young girls become a victim of this issue due to both societal and personal concerns. As the following chart represents, an increase has been found in the rates of this issue again in the past few years even after 2005 states Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2009).


Thus, this review not only publicizes this subject, but it focuses on one segment of the verification: the relationship (preferred to be formal in clinical settings and semiformal in community set ups) and the implications of nursing for teenage pregnancy. Furthermore, it raises a subject upon the explication with orientation to the issue with interaction procedures and advising basis, because while most females prefer not attending clinical appointments, not everyone trusts the sentry of community set ups. Hence, this review puts forth the explication where teenage pregnant females arrive at clinics and are dealt with various strategies and advanced care.


As per SmithBattle’s (2006) research, it was evaluated that the children of teen mothers are considered to be at a highest risk of being targeted by adolescence pregnancy. This research was based to find out the data which would relate to the increase of this disease amongst children who had teen mothers but an astonishing fact which was out of the research was gained. This study was divided into further sub divisions and sixteen families were interviewed through dialogues and conversational assessments. After an interval of 4 years, the same families were interviewed again and the interesting fact that was gained lead to expounding that female mothers who were themselves pregnant in their teens were a victim of conservative set back which led their children to becoming a target of the same issue and not being able to consult clinical treatment or advice.

Similarly, after a study carried out by Reynolds (2005) to evaluate the behavior of healthy pregnancy amongst teenage mothers and its knowledge, it was gained that females who consulted nursing advice in clinical associations reported less risky behaviors during their prenatal time period. It was also gained that females who had achieved proper nursing care during this time period had parents who even after considering the situation as an embarrassing stance were guided towards a better understanding of the problem. In accordance to the set of differentiation provided by Hobbs and Sniehotta (2011) it has been evaluated that there is a difference between family planning and goal setting, and both of these roles are played differently by awareness programs and nurses. Even though both the formulations are of the same setting, as Hobbs and Sniehotta explain, it is just the verification that is different and its entireness that affects the youth. Family planning awareness provided by awareness programs support women to set goals for contraception i.e. taking the pill etc. whereas, goal-setting for future planning is defined by the effective role played by the nurse for desired outcome amongst the youth.

Theoretical Framework

In order to analyze such situations it is better that nurses first have an understanding of what inter personal skills denote and signify. This can be done by using the theory presented by Hayes (2002) as he verifies that in order to comprehend the method of circulating interpersonal skills it is crucial to “be aware of how the hierarchical model of interpersonal skills can be used to help individuals to critically assess the effectiveness of their social skills at every level.” Therefore, in this case of dealing with pregnant young females this theory can be examined side by side in order to achieve the required goal, through which the goal of breaking the teen pregnancy cycle along with achieving an appropriate outcome for dealing with pregnant teen females can be achieved. When it comes to teen pregnancy, dealing with such girls is a situation that can be labeled more as an intricate human confrontation, as it makes a nurse responsible for playing the role of not only a medical consultant but also that of a social worker and educator. Hence, through the tool of proper communication skills both the nurse and patient can be able to bond (in the manner that the profession requires) without effecting or violating the rules of formal interaction.


Thus, from the above verifications it can be elucidated that the role which is played by nurses in bringing up the required knowledge in teenage pregnant females can be played through implementing effective measures. These measures as gained by the above literature direct us towards the hypothesis that the steps that can be included in order to gain successful nursing implications for teen pregnancy include measures like guidance through diagnosis, teaching prenatal care to young females, elucidation of the progression of pregnancy, arrangement of any referrals for parenting classes (specifically if in community set ups), evaluation and persuasion of continuing school by the nurses, advising the system of newborn care and child care arrangements (if planned for abortion).

In accordance to Bartlett, Davis and Belyea (2007) it has been specified that an impression that the nurse is a safe person to talk to needs to be provided to an adolescent. Thus, if sensitive topics like sex and substance use are approached by the nurse by showing a non-judgmental and open fashion of behavior, this impression can be imprinted. If a nurse fails to involve in inquiring about the association of a person in problem behaviors, he/she may even fail to acquire successful health-related interactions with an adolescent.


Following the importance proceeded by Ferguson (1997), regarding the effective role of nurses in preventing teen pregnancy, a qualitative research method was formulated and adapted for gaining an insight to whether the hypothesis provided above was verified and proved or not. The patients that arrived and reported early pregnancy tests or transactions were examined and the above mentioned steps were implemented. Along with which the thought formulation was also noted and the outcomes were registered, informal interviews in the form of communication skill methodologies were adapted. For this research process the proposal was applied for IRB’s (2012) approval test and procedure and the consent was gained after the legal process of registration as the purpose targeted for the betterment of the rising issue and problems that relate to it.

Data Collection

It was gained through the informal interactions that support was required by all of the young women from people ranging from her partner, friends, and parents, to counselors such as nursing and medical staff. It was necessary to keep in mind the problems that the young pregnant females and their partners needed to gain knowledge about the issue. These tribulations took account of concerns like physical immaturity, deficiency of healthcare comprehension, meager preconception fitness, failure to seek care on time, failure to quit smoking, increased alcohol consumption which may further increase the risks of miscarriages, premature births, babies with low birth weight, and other defects like birth imperfections. But these aspects alone were not expected to be blown into the faces of these already low in number medical concern seeking females. The females were found to be mostly unaware of 95 of these problems along with the issue of their parents not being ready to be responsible for such incidents.


The data and the analysis which can be gained from the above conducted research has been divided into two categories: one which has been achieved through the literature, and the second characterization of the qualitative research that was conducted in the clinic. The involvement of parents as provided by the literature plays an important role in making the lives of these pregnant teens easier. But the effective role of implementing the above mentioned steps by the nurses plays a vital role in increasing awareness in the females and decreasing the risk of their child’s early pregnancy.


Thus, both the findings provide that the more there is a specifically measured consultancy of the patient with the nurse, the more the parents and the young adolescents are informed and the more their lives are made socially formulative. Thus, this paper brings in light the exact evaluation of what the future prospect can be and how it will lead the community towards gaining health education. The elucidation lies in the familiarity which is achieved as it revolutionizes and alters the field of health education understanding.


Bartlett, R., Davis, D.H. and Belyea, M. (2007). Problem Behaviors in Adolescents: Implications for Nursing Practice. Pediatric Nursing, 33(1), 13-18.

Bastable, S. B. (2008). Nurse as educator: principles of teaching and learning for nursing practice. Canada, CA: Jones & Bartlett.

Ferguson, S. L. (1997). Nurses’ role in the prevention of teen pregnancy. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 12(3): 7-186.

Harris, A. (2009). CDC reports bad news about teens and sex. [Online] Accessed on [26th February, 2012] Available at <>.

Hayes, J. (2002). Interpersonal skills at work. East Sussex, ESUS: Routledge.

Hobbs, N. and Sniehotta, F.F. (2011). Two-year findings of an implementation intention intervention for teenage women show reduced consultations for emergency contraception or pregnancy testing and a trend towards reduced pregnancy rates. Health Psychology, 30: 368–73.

IRB. How to Apply for IRB Approval. [Pdf] Accessed on [26th February, 2012] Available at <>.

Reynolds, K. (2005). Healthy pregnancy and risky behaviors among pregnant teens. Midwest Nursing Research Society,

SmithBattle, L. (2006). Teenage mothers and their teen children’s fertility: What goes around comes around? Midwest Nursing Research Society,