Impact of teenage pregnancy on relations with parents Essay

Past research on teenage pregnancy has indicated that early pregnancies have the potential of causing problem with parents. It emerges that it is important to conduct a detailed research on the connection between teenage pregnancy and poor relationships with parents.

Aim of the research

In this research, I seek to investigate the relationship between teenage pregnancy and poor family relationships, in particular with the parents. Here, the variables to be tested will be the relationship between teenage pregnancy and the impact on the teenager relationships with parents. In this research, I shall conduct my research in Bradford, UK. The analysis shall enable establishment of the connection, thus a foundation for the eradication of the variables researched on.


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), fact sheet number 364, approximately 16 million girls aged between 15 and 19 give birth every year. In addition, one million girls aged fewer than 15 also gives birth every year (Hamilton et al., 2012). Most of these teenagers come from low and middle-income nations.

The World Health Organization also stated complication during pregnancy and childbirth as the second cause of death among teenagers, globally. The research also indicated that almost three million girls aged 15 to 19 undergone unsafe abortions, yearly, and that babies born to these teenage parents face a higher risk of infant deaths (Gibb et al., 2014).

Teenage years are marked by rebellion and disagreement between teenagers and their parents. During this period, they are less likely to trust their parent. Becoming pregnant at this age will probably serve to strain the already complicated relationship. Parents will mostly view the pregnancies as the epitome of the children’s rebellion. The prospect of a fallout with the parents may end causing the teenager to conceal their pregnancies or running away from home (Coleman, 2006).

Teenage girls are likely to hide their pregnancies for the longest time possible because they are afraid tell their parent. In a majority of cases, teenage girls point at their mothers potential reactions in explaining their deception. Although the stigma associated with these pregnancies is declining in modern days, most teenage girls are still afraid of the disapproval that their mothers are likely to have. It is worth noting that, some fathers will tend be bitter and unforgiving. This is true especially when the teenager is still in school (Ferre et. al., 2013).

The stigma and the strain the relationships can be attributed to the fear of rejection and retribution from the parent. Children will spend most of their time trying to appease their parents. As well, of importance to this analysis is the fact that family forms the most important community. The thought of being rejected by the family members is frightening for teenagers (Tang et al., 2014).

Most teenage girls are their fathers favorites, and this may end up putting the father in a vigilant and intrusive in their daughters life. When these girls become pregnant, they are afraid and overwhelmed by the guilt of betraying their parents. This will inevitably lead to them concealing their status to from their father (Haney and March, 2013).

Often, women who conceive pregnancies as a result of sexual abuse undergo through a lot of stigmas. The stigma will in most cases prevent abused teenage girls from revealing their predicament and their status, hiding their experience can be explained as a coping mechanism. They are afraid of how their family and the community will perceive them. Children who are victims of abuse may fail to inform their parent since they don’t want to give their parent the notion that they have failed in their role of protecting them.

Parents have high expectation on their teenage daughters. Teenage pregnancies can put a stigma on the parents. Our society sometimes perceives these pregnancies as a sign of the parent failures to teach good morals and behavior to their children, and this usually makes the parents angry. Additionally, parental disapproval of teenage pregnancies stems from a feeling of betrayal. A pregnancy will put a financial responsibility on the parent especially when the teenager depends on the parents. The situation is worse when there are other siblings in need of the parental support (Sawhil 2000).


Data collection

Sending of questionnaires

The researcher shall administer questionnaires to sampled groups in Bradford. These questionnaires shall be used to gather information about cases of teenage pregnancy, the frequency of occurrence and the actual age of occurrence. Then, the second part shall gather information on the victims of teenage pregnancy alone. Here, they shall be asked about the effects in regard to parent-teenager relationship, father-daughter relationship as well as the general community.

Statistical analysis

In order to find the relevance of the information collected, it shall be analyzed statistically, using the correlation, a measure of central tendency and the hypothetical analysis. The analysis will be done with an objective of identifying the factor that leads to strained relationships between teenagers and their parents as well as the factor influencing the realtions. Then, the information gathered shall be related to the existing literature, and then a substantial conclusion made.

Sample population

The sample population shall be the teenagers and the families living in Bradford, UK. The respondents shall be identified through a census of these area, and the questionnaires mailed to them. The questionnaire will be made up of open headed questions. In case where people will be impossible to send questionnaires to people, we will use interviews to collect the data. Here the subject population consists of young adults dwelling around the targeted communities.

The process of enlistment will consist of a document survey of confirmation data that will be provided by the relevant office. The office will further provide the researcher with the relevant history of the identified teen or family (Gibb et al., 2014). The objective of this historical record inquiry is to ease spotting of the family with the predictors and a known history of teenage pregnancy.

Ethics in research

The major challenge is identifying and accessing the parents. There are issues of privacy surrounding teenage pregnancies. We will be interviewing women who got pregnant while they were teenagers. The scientist will thus be equipped with the prior knowledge of the potential subject obtained from the relevant offices concerned. It is also mandatory to have a system that entails the incoporation of the right research procedures, where confidentiality of the information provided by the respondents shall be upheld. In addition, the reseacher shall not ask for personal names from the respondents. As a result, the respondents shall be ready to share detailed and confidential informaton.


The analysis will be focused on families with teen mothers, families with pregnant teens and those reported to have unplanned pregnancies and their connection to the predictors mentioned above. The technique of non-likelihood strategy will be used to strengthen the research since the analyst incorporates intentional testing that will help degenerate cases among the population. The expected case will then be guided to provide subjective criticism to the analyst (Hamilton et al., 2012).

Consequently to make a rough outline of 10 members/families, a personal meeting will be organized. At the meeting the scientist will talk about how the study has been organized and the need to understand the subjectivity, related to teenage pregnancy and teenage motherhood in shaping poor social and economic, of the community and the nation at large (Hamilton, 2012).

The results obtained shall be presented in a report, whereby the combined literature review, analysis and results shall be presented. Then, the relationship between the results and the existingpolicies shall be established(Hamilton et al., 2012). Here, the researcher shall be able to establish the facts that can be used to reduce cases of teenage pregnancy, as well as take care of the existing victims. Finally, the researcher shall recommend a workable plan.


The research shall considerably capture the aspects of subjective analytical study and locations. It shall also cover the research inquiries and all the standards that pertain to the subjective and quantitatively based studies. Here, the researcher shall gather information from primary and secondary sources, which shall then eliminate biased results, with regard to time of the study. Then, the recommendations made shall offer an important foundation for further studies, which may aim at changing the lives of the victims of teenage pregnancy. This is in regard to the fundamental need tofurther research on the topic, in order to find the means of reducing teenage pregnancy. The research will, in turn, help to curb the increasing vices related to teenage motherhood and other teenage pregnancy-related complications like unsafe abortion

References List.

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