Educational Goals: The University Of Phoenix Essay

My education at the University of Phoenix enabled me to reach my professional and personal goals in a number of areas: it enabled me acquire professional competence and to develop the values required from a criminal justice professional. I gained specific disciplinary knowledge in criminal justice, which helped me perform my roles as a polygraph examination professional at the Los Angeles Police Department. The education at the university helped me develop ethics and work values, which were highly applicable in criminal justice. Through the education, I got exposure to relevant criminal justice literature and materials, which I applied throughout my work-life. Through the education, I developed vital capabilities like critical thinking, problem solving, effective communication, collaborative working and information utilization.

I want to continue my education at University of Phoenix, so as to develop the knowledge and the skills that will increase my career success as a justice and security officer. Through the master’s degree program, I will increase my capacity for career development and delivering innovative change proposals, which can revolutionize the field of justice and security. The masters program will enable me to attain recertification, endorsement and higher credit as a justice professional.

Through the additional master’s degree, I will acquiring knowledge and the skills required to face new challenges – which will form learning experiences in support of educational and professional growth. Through the program, I expect to gain more real-world experiences of state-of-the-art justice issues, which will distinguish my performance. The degree has helped me become one of the best employees in the department: through the master’s program, I will be recognized by the LAPD as a highly knowledgeable employee, which will help me gain a promotion to a managerial position: the police department awards promotions on the basis of competency and educational levels.


University of Phoenix candidates lead by example, which I have demonstrated through the development of exceptional leadership capacity in my personal life, work and school environments. During my work at the LAPD, I am viewed as a role model for the skills and the values that make differences at my work place as well as in my community. For instance, in my role as a polygraph examination officer, I am viewed as the number of one critical thinker, especially when dealing with complicated cases. As a phoenix, I am revered as a life-long learner, which has enabled me gain more useful information in my field, which enables me share valuable insights in any critical case. Therefore, at the workplace, I am viewed as the best polygraph examiner, which is confessed by superiors and junior co-workers.

At school, I was viewed as a leader, a role model in life-learning, and an informed student who helped others – when they had trouble with courses. Upon the completion of the degree course, I graduated with honors, and a GPA of 3.85 which distinguished me as among the best candidates. The exceptional performance and the values I was identified with – are among the leadership characteristics that I continue to be revered about. At the family level, I was the first to attain 4-year degree education; therefore I am viewed as a knowledgeable person who leads the family in all critical decision-making. At the larger community, I am viewed as an exceptional person who gained education against all odds, and one that has remained successful in all areas, therefore am viewed as a leader who can empower community members. During the Master’s program, I also plan to become a leaders in values, skills-development and leadership, which makes a positive impact on other people.

Personal Reflection

During my work as a polygraph examiner with the Los Angeles Police Department, I have developed a mastery of uncovering the tricks of criminals. However, this exceptional performance was not attained easily, as it took immense hard work and the exceptional education gained at the University of Phoenix. My hard work is demonstrated in the high grades I attained during my degree course and the track record of exceptional performance demonstrates that I have upheld exceptional performance. The track record of exception success and performance through hard work shows that I am the best candidate for the Forever A Phoenix Scholarship, as it will increase my capacity to improve the security and the safety of Los Angeles streets. Through the scholarship, the difference I have made in the justice and security areas at Los Angeles will be continued – and at a higher level – as I will be more knowledgeable, experienced, authoritative and skilled in service delivery. At the department, I am revered as a Phoenix that writes professional official reports, therefore, my access to the masters program will continue to represent the best products of the university.

During my work with the Los Angeles Police Department, I have kept criminals out of the streets, through employing my graduate level education and exposure, towards uncovering the lies of criminals. I am revered as an expert at exposing the lies of criminals, using my polygraph instrument. I am able to compel criminals to confess the truth, even after telling lies. Through my work, many cases have been uncovered, and the necessary information developed, which enables the department subject more and more criminals to penal action. As demonstrated through my valuable input to criminal detection and justice maintenance at Los Angeles, it is clear that my graduate education has helped me change the criminal and justice capacity of the department. This demonstrates that I am the best candidate for the Forever A Phoenix Scholarship, as it will help me advance my capacity to uncover crime, as well as to redirect the city’s and national crime detection. Therefore, through awarding me the scholarship, real value will be delivered to the justice and crime prevention department and the national security outlook. The valuable input of the master’s degree, towards the changing outlook of the security and justice department will be valuable – not only to me but also to the wider community.